It's been a long while since I even touched this blog, I know. I've been bad. And not really concerned with my health and weight. That's not good. I keep telling myself that I'll start tomorrow....but tomorrow never comes.
I stepped on the scale this morning; I haven't stepped on the scale in several weeks because I fear the numbers. But I did it this morning, and I almost cried. I am at 285 pounds. This is not good. Something needs to change. I need to get into gear.
I've been getting better at keeping up with my other blog - my business one - and I've been steadily submitting articles to other blogs (such as Etsy Maine Team and Homefront Team). So what's keeping me from adding this to my list? I can do it.
Starting today, I have sworn off my beverage of choice (soda) and am dedicating all my thirst quenching needs to water. And I ate breakfast and lunch. Ok maybe breakfast WAS a bowl of Capn' Crunch and lunch was a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich. But don't they say the key to losing weight is making sure NOT to skip meals and eat these things in moderation? I'm keeping track of what I eat and the calories I'm taking in on a piece of paper on the fridge. And I'll be doing some Zumba on the Xbox Kinect today.
I can do this. I need to do this. I will do this.