Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 1: And so it starts

All right, it's the end of Day 1, and I'm still alive! I made a schedule for myself before I went to bed last night of all the things I wanted to get done today, hoping that it would help keep me focused. And you know what? It did; surprisingly so actually. Especially since last night I was kept up late because of a festival/concert going on a house down from me - it didn't end until midnight! So this morning, I was completely unmotivated to get up and start my regime, like I had planned. But when I tried to lay back down, my mind wouldn't let me go back to sleep, cheering me on to go get active!

So today I tackled 4o minutes of a Cardio workout on the DVD of Insanity - which is incredibly insane! I wasn't able to do hardcore like they were doing on the DVD, but I hung in, worked as hard as I could and finished. It's all in tomorrow I should be able to do a little more, and as the days continue I should be able to kick butt with Shaun T.

Anyway, so this is the plan for this blog. Every week on the first day of the week, I'm going to post my stats. GASP! I know, it's pretty scary that I'm actually going to quantify my "fatness" to the world. But being the person that I am, I have to prove myself to everyone, and showing my "flaws" is definitely a way to make me to try to improve on them. I don't want anyone thinking that I am a quitter, or that I can't hack it.

So here goes:

Weight: 270 lbs
Hips: 54 inches
Waist: 52 inches
Bust: 56 inches

I'll try to blog later this week with a semi-update, but definitely I'll be back next Monday and hopefully with some different (better!) numbers.

Stay tuned!

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